Saturday, February 29, 2020

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism Systems

Clipper Bay is a place or we can recognize it as a small town, which is situated by the sea on a tip of a peninsular, consisting of approximately five thousand people. According to the information given in the case study, the complete population of Clipper Bay is totally dependent upon the marine life. The whole economy of the Clipper Bay town completely revolves around the marine life and few small scale industries for their livelihood. According to the physical situations the town is completely surrounded by the hills as well as by a beautiful beach view, etc. All most all the families living in this town are completely attached with the business of fishing. Generation to generation are continuously getting attached with the same business for their livelihood. According to the information given in the case study, the town has been granted a budget of approximately $50m for the well-being of the people living in this town as well as for the betterment of the local economy of this to wn. For the economic growth of the clipper bay, according to me, the tourism industry will suit the best for the overall growth of the town. According to the data given in the case study about the clipper bay, it is a town surrounded by hills and beautiful beach. The whole population of this town is completely dependent upon the marine life for their livelihood therefore, for the overall the grown of the economy and for the revitalize process the tourism industry suits the best for the Clipper Bay. The Tourism industry is completely dependent upon the geographical, physical as well as upon the climatic conditions, which are favorable for the Clipper Bay. Tourism industries are one of the fastest growing industries nowadays. In the category of industrialization, setting a tourism industry is one of the greatest ideas for the people of the town and for the tourists as well. As we know, the Clipper Bay has been granted by a fund for the economic growth and the tourism industry will provide jobs to the people and helps them in the growth of their own business both by the internal as well as by the external factors. Tourism ha s a large number of impacts on the society like some sort of loss to the cultural heritage, degradation of ecological factors, dislocation of social factors, etc. The cost benefit analysis helps the management of an industry in assuming the actual benefits to the industry to the total cost ratio. This ratio of the total amount of benefits to the total cost invested by the industry is critically evaluated by the cost benefit analysis. With the help of the cost benefit analysis the management can easily control its overall profit ratio regarding to the investment being made by the industry. This analysis helps the management in various forms regarding to the efforts and the cost involved or invested for introducing the process of economic growth (Sewell & Marczak, 2008). The main objective for a sustainable tourism is to support the various problems arising at the time the establishment of a tourism industry in a new location or at a new place. Various problems can be faced by the management like problems related to the social equity, problems related to the environmental conditions, etc. It is one of the major responsibilities of the management to guide the people about the industry in a proper and easy way and make them clear about the various benefits regarding to the welfare of the population living in the town (Fien, Calder, & White, 2010). The management needs to follow a particular strategy for the successful accomplishment of the various tasks like rising the value of the tourism, various advantages and the disadvantages of the mass tourism, advantages and disadvantages related to the ecotourism, etc. all this helps for the welfare of the industry and for the people living in the Clipper Bay. A sustainable tourism can be described as a tourism, which neither affects the environmental conditions of the location nor the social and cultural activities of the various communities related to the tourism industry on the regular visit of the tourists from across the world. On the other hand, we can also say that a sustainable tourism industry should be beneficial for all, i.e., for the tourists, for the surrounding environment and for the various local communities those are attached to the industry. A successful tourism industry works for the overall growth by providing different- different incentives to the employees for protecting the various heritage locations and the environment. This tourism industry will provide a large number of jobs to the people living in the Clipper Bay. Various consequences are necessary for the growth of the industry as imagined by the management for the upcoming decades. Infrastructure is required in a huge amount for the protection purposes of the complete system and for the protection of the surrounding environment. All of the infrastructure should be used in an appropriate manner, so that it can be utilized in such a way that no compromises should be faced by the future generations. Making the use of latest technologies in the transport sector is one of the major reasons for enlarging the tourism business on a world- wide level. Stability regarding to the relative political bodies has made people feel safe for moving from one place to the other for a long period of time. Holidays and the various leisure facilities being provided by the tourism industries helps in encouraging the people and attracts more and more people towards itself. Benefits and Problems regarding to the tourism give us a complete description about the various positive and negative impacts of tourism industry. A sustainable tourism is responsible for providing a large number of jobs to the people living in the town by creating a large number of jobs within the industry itself. The management of the industry has to keep an eye on the various benefits being provided to the staff as well as to the other people related to the industry. By providing various facilities regarding to the safety of the cultural heritage properties and the various living bodies getting affected by the environmental conditions helps the management in successful running of the industry. Mass tourism has a bad impact on both the environment as well as on the local people so it is the responsibility of the tourism industry to manage all the circumstances carefully. Economically sustainability completely depends upon the appropriate development, equity and peace. The involveme nt of the local representative is must for the successful growth of the tourism industry and it should also fulfil the daily needs of the various local bodies attached to the industry. The enforcement regarding to the minimum wages of the labor is must as it is already defined by the labor union. Special training programmes should be introduced by the management from time to time for guiding the new employees that how they have to interact with the tourist visiting to their place (Srinivas, 2001). Advantages and disadvantages of developing tourism at Clipper Bay is that it will provide employment to the people living there. Employment will act as a good source of income for the local people. Various businesses related to the tourism like airlines, hotels, Land transport facilities, etc. will also get a huge benefit from this. Tourism also provides various chances of collecting foreign exchange when a large number of tourists visit the Clipper Bay on a world-wide level. All these factors will help in the development of overall development of GDP of the country and it can also provide a good income to the people those who will guide the tourists about that place (Goodman, 2016). Economical disadvantages of the tourism are that they will affect the natural surroundings of the place. Attention towards the local architecture will decrease in the mass tourism days. For attracting more and more tourists towards this place, modification is necessary for which, a huge construction is r equired and for those construction purposes a large number of trees will be destroyed which surely affects the nature. All the construction processes will surely damage the wildlife parks and the hills surrounding the Clipper Bay, which will lead to affect the complete environment of the town. Socio- cultural advantages and disadvantages of developing the tourism industry at Clipper Bay will help in the overall development of the infrastructure, i.e., it will help in developing the roads, it will provide water facilities to the people, electricity will be provided to the people living in Clipper Bay, etc. The tourism industry will help in the cultural reservation by providing various economic incentives for the preservation of the food, active participation of all the people in the various local festivals depending upon the different cultural circumstances. It also provides security to the fashion and physical history of the place. Best class health care services will be provided to the people at their own place or we can say that at their doorstep (Lymos, 2014). On the other hand, there are a large number of disadvantages like destruction to the various cultural factors like different type of loss to the local language being used by the people, the loss to the religion be ing followed by the local bodies, destruction of the variety of rituals, etc. It also creates various chances of menial services, prostitution, gambling, drug trade, etc. These all factors are also responsible for diverting the young people from their studies, which will lead to an unrealistic change in the society. Environmental advantages and disadvantages of tourism play a vital role in the tourism industry. As we know, the natural environmental conditions as well as the man made environmental conditions, both have a huge impact on the tourism industry. We can say there is a complex relationship between the tourism industry and the surrounding environment. For the development of the tourism at the Clipper Bay, various types of modification are necessary, which affects the complete environment of the Clipper Bay. Mostly the environment id disturbed due to the construction processes being carried out at each and every location of the place (Johnson, 2014). For providing a large variety of facilities to the tourists a large number of resorts, hotels, shops, restaurants, etc. are continuously being constructed due to which the complete environment has a large number of bad impacts on it (Mozer, 2016). On the other hand, the tourism industry is very beneficial for the Clipper Bay, because the tour ism industry actively participates for the protection of the environment and for the conservation processes. It plays an efficient and an effective role in creating awareness among the local bodies regarding to the various important environmental values. The tourism industry also helps by serving the society with employment facilities and by providing various chances for the financial growth of the people (Theuns, 2015). The tourism industry provides a large number of facilities to all the local bodies by providing them a large number of jobs. The tourism industry helps in the overall growth of the Clipper Bay by attracting a large number of tourists towards the Clipper Bay. By making the use of a particular strategy, the tourism industry helps in the overall growth of the GDP of the country. Due to the tourism industry, the country got a chance for collecting a large amount of foreign exchange at the time when a large number of tourists visit the Clipper Bay from different countries across the world. For the successful running of the any of the tourism industry, it is necessary for the management to take some strict actions for the sake of the environment. They need to actively participate for the conservation of the various cultural activities, rituals, etc. to which the local bodies are attached from a long time. They need to take care of the heritage properties, hills, beach, marine life, etc. by which the Clipper Bay is completely surrounded. The main objective of the tourism industry is to fulfil all the needs of the tourists and to provide them a good quality of products and facilities. Fien, J., Calder, M., & White, C. (2010). Sustainable tourism: Introduction. Retrieved from Goodman, P. (2016, October 03). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism. Retrieved from Johnson, M. (2014, June 10). 8 Disadvantages of Tourism: The Dark Side of Vacations. Retrieved from Lymos. (2014, November 23). Advantages and disadvantages of tourism. Retrieved from Mozer, D. (2016). Tourism Development: Outline of Advantages and Disadvantages. Retrieved from Sewell, M., & Marczak, M. (2008). Using cost analysis in evaluation. Retrieved from Srinivas, H. (2001). Environmental impacts of tourism. Retrieved from Theuns, H. (2015, January 12). Globalization and Tourism: Pros and Cons. Tourism Recreation Research, 33(1), 99-105. Retrieved from

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Science and policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Science and policy - Essay Example Selecting an appropriate ambassador may also bring forward some form of challenge as this selected individual is the one to carry the face of the firm that carries out the activities of a knowledge broker. The selection should be flawless as any form of undue process in selection may pose a challenge to the firms. Some other challenges that can come in the way of the knowledge brokers include such challenges as managing interactions with stakeholders within acceptable limits. Some stakeholders may be difficult in a way to handle and hence this may be a major challenge that other brokers may crumble as they tend to check a way forward in dealing with such cases (â€Å"Knowledge Exchange†). The knowledge brokers may be working on a flat plan without settling down to lay the objectives. This may also pose a threat in achievement of desired results if they are not fully planned for and hence this too may end up countering the development agenda that these knowledge brokers have in mind (Hargadon 48). The knowledge brokers and their firms should also have a plan on a systematic way of availing results and outcomes through acceptable networks that are practitioner oriented. Doing anything else to this effect may have to backfire and end up being a challenge that will bring the firms down. The firms should also lay the strategies that will work towards distilling results and their strategies for maintaining long lasting legacies. However most of these firms lack the expertise to carry out such distilling processes and that means that a challenge will be witnessed as soon as the legacy flops (Brown 486). So some of the solutions that can be facilitated to curb such challenges can involve such remedies as: as for the challenge of trying to keep up with the stakeholders by trying to encourage them to invest ideally in the broker’s firm through time, resources and effort. The solution to this challenge is to try as much as possible to involve the stakeholder s and to give them the need to place their trust for you. If the relationship at the beginning is a good one, then the engagement should be fair throughout the period of the project. This approach needs much attention and hence the firm should conduct a good sense to determine the road taken by the research. After establishing that, then many more stakeholders will show interest and hence feel free to work with you. – SUE Researchers (Tsui L et al) For the challenge that comes from finding it hard to engage the stakeholders in the definition of various important aspects of the research. It should not still be debatable whether to involve the stakeholders, as the firms should go ahead and incorporate them in decision making on the kinds of design the research should have. The stakeholders should be allowed to assist in determining whether an approach is feasible or not. Serious members of the stakeholders’ board should be able to tell what befits the firm and what doesn ’t. With this approach, the problem of having to determine the level of indulgence of the stakeholders would be fully answered (Hargadon 50). One other challenge that is faced by the knowledge brokers may be that of that their research findings reach the desired audience and that the said findings are found to be

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Quality Customer Service Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Quality Customer Service - Research Paper Example It would tell the individuals concerned that the organization looks after them and wants to give them what they deserve the most – impeccable service that is of serious quality. This paper shall discuss the five significant techniques which play a role at implementing superior service quality within organizations and which have remained as a metaphor beyond despair in the present times as well as the times to follow. These five techniques that are deemed as pivotal here comprise of winning with the customer, showing a positive attitude, identification of the customer needs, providing for the needs of the customers, and lastly making sure that the customers come back for more sales that shall benefit the organization in the long run. One must remember that these five techniques include a number of other sub points as well which shall be discussed within the entirety of this paper here. To start with, the first technique to achieve and implement superior service quality is that of winning with the customer which takes into account the determination to make it happen for both the organization and the customer in essence. It is imperative that the organization which is imparting superior service is winning right next to the customer himself. How this will happen is something that shall have to be comprehended properly. First of all, quality customer service needs to be identified and its description is made note of (Lin, 2011). When this has been done, the next step is to be aware of the fact that the end customer gets the satisfaction that is asked of the entire premise. If this does not take place, customer satisfaction has failed to fulfill its role and there are other avenues that need to be touched upon to reap success under such domains. The reasons for service quality’s importance are discerned as to whether they shall uplift the business in financial terms or provide relief in the wake of bringing in serious sales returns. The second technique is to demonstrate a positive attitude. It is because a positive attitude is the basis of solving half the quandaries that are related with customer service. If the organization wants to achieve supremacy within such departments, positive attitude is the solution to make it happen. Being an optimist always creates more room for understanding, especially on the part of the customers who are always looking for answers that would satisfy them in entirety. It is important however that the service levels communicate the best possible image no matter how difficult or trying the circumstances turn out to be. With that being done, staying energized all this while; while the service quality levels are being ensured refer to success within such realms. The third technique is to identify the customer needs. What this means is that this technique brings the customers in direct communication with the service team as to how the actual problem will be given a remedy that shall solve it in the firs t place (Martin, 2009). This will also aim to study the inherent areas where basic needs are understood and then worked upon to bring about a solution for the end customers. It is quintessential to stay one step ahead of the customer requirements and to fulfill them through a proactive approach, which is