Monday, December 30, 2019

Career Portfolio - 1223 Words

CAREER DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO Table of Contents Introduction 1 Significant Life Experiences 2, 3 Analysis of Accomplishments 4, 5 Inventory of Skills and Competencies 6 Work Philosophy and Goals 7 Resume 8, 9 Sample of Work 10 Credentials, Certificates, Workshops 11, 12, 13 Appendix 14 INTRODUCTION The Career Development Portfolio I am submitting exhibits hours of self-assessment and documentation. The purpose of this portfolio is to highlight my strengths, skills and competencies in order to gain college credit for a class that I have completed at Cleveland Community†¦show more content†¦Inventory of Skills and Competencies Basic Skills: Reading, writing, listening, speaking, math Thinking Skills: Possesses critical thinking, creative problem solving skills, ability to learn, reason and mental visualization (Gaynell Krauss – co-worker) Personal Qualities: Positive attitude, dependability, good self-esteem, sociability, integrity and self-management. (Kari Thomas- Friend) Interpersonal Skills: Teaches others, team member, leadership, works well with diverse groups and serves clients and customers. (Shelley Upton – Current Employer) Information: Acquires, evaluates, organizes, maintains and uses computers. (Cleveland Community College) System: Understands monitors, corrects, designs and improves systems. Resources: Allocates time, money, material, people, and space. (Shelley Upton – Current Employer) Technology: Selects, applies, maintains and troubleshoots. WORK PHILOSOPHY My immediate educational goal is to obtain a two year business degree. My goal is to become a N.C. Cosmetology State Inspector. In 5 years, I would like to become a cosmetology instructor and in the future own a cosmetology school. An area that I would like to improve in is community service. I strongly believe in giving back to the community and society. I would also like to improve my writing abilities along with my technology skills. I believe in hard, honest work and being a team member whether holding aShow MoreRelatedMy Current Level Of Responsibility And Contribution Of The Merchant Services Division925 Words   |  4 Pagescontribution to your organization’s strategy. My current job title is Merchant Services Commercial Support Manager and I am responsible for producing analytical reports measuring sales and portfolio performance of the merchant services division. The reoccurring reports determine the performance of the entire portfolio while identifying new opportunities, helping mitigate risks, and making fact-based decisions. Reports are also used to determine incentive payments to sales consultants. I work on a teamRead MorePersonal Development Portfolio : Career Goals2054 Words   |  9 PagesPersonal Development Portfolio Career Goal Growing up in the city of Toronto in Canada, then moving to the United States had given a very wide outlook on different careers that are obtainable. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The American Civil War The United States - 1621 Words

The American civil war has been butchered up in many history books, leaving the average American citizen to believe that white American men fought to end slavery. Although slavery did have a bit of influence on the war, it was not the reason the United States went to war. Also white men weren’t the only ones who fought in the war, many black men enlisted and were given awards for their bravery. Through trial and error abolition of slavery became the latent reason for the Civil War. When Lincoln was elected into the office, the South realized that slavery was coming to an end. Many southern States feared the economic drop, this led the southern states to secede from the Union. The very first state to secede was South Carolina in 1860, followed by many other states. There was a lot of confusion in the North over why the Southern States had seceded before Lincoln had even gotten to Washington. Yet in the South there already was an agreement that they would remain an independent c ountry who depended on slavery in their economy. Since the Southern states fought for their own independence from the Union, the Union fought to restore its self. In April of 1861 American forces refused to leave fort Sumter in South Carolina, thus starting the Civil War. In the beginning of the war neither side allowed African American soldiers. The southern confederates kept using African Americans as slaves on their plantations making supplies for their army. Similarly in the North, AfricanShow MoreRelatedThe American Civil War : The United States1719 Words   |  7 PagesEducator Riffel History 111 22 May 2017 The American Civil War The Civil War was the main focus in America s history. The Civil War was determined on what kind of nation it will advance toward, but the American Revolution made the United States. Would the United States continue existing as the greatest slaveholding country on the planet? This was an answer that was left unsolved after the change. The differences between the free and slave states over the liveliness of national government to prohibitRead MoreThe American Civil War : The United States1256 Words   |  6 PagesThe American Civil War The United States wasn’t as united as they would like to be. Over about a ten-year period the United States started to divide into the Confederate States and The United States. This division wasn’t all of a sudden out of the blue movement, many debates brought upon the division and the start of the civil war. The biggest issue between the North and South was the issue of Slavery and what it entailed. The American Civil War was the United States way of figuring out what kindRead MoreThe American Civil War : The United States8725 Words   |  35 PagesThe American Civil War, known in the United States as simply the Civil War as well as by other sectional names, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy. Of the 34 states that existed in January 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and went on to form the Confederate States of America. The Co nfederacy, often simply called the South, grew to include eleven states, althoughRead MoreAmerican Civil War : The United States1910 Words   |  8 PagesAmerican civil war The full name of American is the United States of America.The United States is a young country and The country is the second largest country in the Americas. 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The Confederacy, often simply called the South, grew to include eleven states, and although theyRead MoreThe Civil War : The American Revolution And The Secession Of The United States1472 Words   |  6 Pages Americans before the Civil War came to the United States to acquire self-preservation and to explore the foundation of capitalism. Songwriters such as Stephen Foster, felt the American people needed an image to follow a need for Puritan mentality. 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In 1861, 11 states seceded from the United States to form the Confederate States of America and overRead MoreThe Second American Revolution: Expressions of Canadian Identity in News Coverage at the Outbreak of the United States Civil War1216 Words   |  5 PagesCanadian Identity in News Coverage at the Outbreak of the United States Civil War. Gabrial’s article is about how the Canadian identity was challenged by the American Civil War. In particular, he argues that Canadian identity is significant in five important themes: the importance of British identity, antipathy toward Americanism and suspicion of American democracy, a well-grounded fear of American militarism, a patronizing sympathy for Americans in crisis and liberal and conservative political threadsRead MoreWars And Changes During The United States Essay1181 Words   |  5 PagesWars and Changes in The United States The United States of American is a superpower in the world. Although it just have almost 240 years’ history, it experienced more than 200 wars. As a saying does, â€Å" Bad times make a good man†, the United States never lack of great leaders. For example, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt were the three well-known presidents in the U.S. history. Additionally, wars and conflicts changed the United States directly and indirectly. ForRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War777 Words   |  4 Pagesinto the Civil War began with the election of 1860. Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 without a single vote from the states below the Ohio River. South Carolina was the first state to respond to Lincoln’s election. On December 20, 1680, South Carolina seceded from the Union. South Carolina was the first of the â€Å"Original Seven† who seceded from the Union, including Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. This became known as â€Å"secession winter,† and these states decided

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Puppy Who Lost His Way Free Essays

â€Å"He had never slept in a better bed, Rainsford decided. † As morning comes Rainsford is awaken by the shouting of a man, a more familiar voice says Rainsford quietly to himself. Beyond his belief he stumbles to the window of the chateau to see Whitney yelling for help from the wrecked boat. We will write a custom essay sample on The Puppy Who Lost His Way or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rainsford says he’s back to find his friend who he had lost only but four days ago. Rainsford stumbles down the steps and greets his friend just as zaroff had met hlrn at the door. Rainsford brings Whitney In and Rainsford explains everything that had happened to him the past few days. That Zaroff man seems like a monster, Whitney said. Rainsford then takes Whitney around the island showing him the numerous spots were he had been hiding from Zaroff He also showed Whitney the 10 slaves in the basement; this is Just making Whitney even more and more disgusted about this Zaroff man. The two men then come back to the eerie chateau for a somewhat royal lunch. Rainsford thinks to himself that Is seems as If Whitney Is the same position he was In Just a few days ago. He also realizes that he himself is now Zaroff Rainsford remains nearly speechless for the rest of the lunch. As night approaches Whitney is bewildered to find that Rainsford is gone, He goes outside and not but a minute passes and hears a rustle of the bushes, out emerges a dark shadowy figure. It is Rainsford with his shirt soaking in blood, Whitney, says Rainsford you are awake How to cite The Puppy Who Lost His Way, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Case Study on Calgary Oil Shale Technologies

Question: Case study on Calgary Oil Shale Technologies. Answer: The case study on Calgary Oil Shale Technologies focuses on the core concept of introducing teamwork and co-operation among the different hierarchies of employees in an organization to ensure the smooth functioning of the organization. It helps to overcome the differences that are prevalent between the workers and management level authorities and ensures that the morale of the employees stays high (Hollensen, 2015). This ultimately ensures increased productivity of the organization and results in profitability. Role played by Carlos Debrito in the success of Alberta team-based productivity project Carlos Debrito played a very crucial part in the Alberta team-based pilot project. Carlos had worked for Calgary Oil Shale Technologies (COST) for twenty-six years and in this long span, he had worked in every possible position of line and staff that the company is made of. This experience had enabled him to understand the functioning of the company to the minutest of details (Hutt Speh, 2012). In short, he was well aware of the nitty-gritties that constituted the company and the problems that its employees faced both on the field-side and technical side of the business. Algoma Howard, who was the person-in-charge for the implementation of Alberta productivity project, asked Carlos Debrito to become the leader of this project because of the experience he had amassed and the respect he had earned among his colleagues (Meffert, 2013). She was pleased when Carlos Debrito agreed to her proposal and took up this project as one final challenge before his retirement. Debrito gave inputs to Howard regarding the problems that the employees in Alberta were facing, the differences among the hourly workers, the equipment-maintenance people and the engineers (geologists, geophysicists). Together, they devised certain methods to address these problems so that the differences among the employees could be sorted out and they could all work in a congenial and collaborative environment (Philip, 2016). Disputes among the working classes in a company are inevitable. According to Joseph F. Byrnes, a professor of management at Waltham, the parties who are warring with each other should be given a chance to resolve and reconcile their differences before any orders from higher authorities are issued. (Workplace Conflict Resolution by Byrnes) Debrito made use of this approach to resolve conflicts in Alberta. Leadership Approach employed by Carlos Debrito to help reduce conflict between labor and Professionals Various models of leadership approach have come into existence over a long period of time as industries and businesses have taken shape. Few of them are autocratic leadership, participative-style leadership, cross-cultural leadership, emergent leadership, situational leadership etc. (Journal of Social Psychology). According to the need of the hour, one particular approach or a combination of approaches has to be employed by a leader to resolve conflicts among the employees (Sheth Sisodia, 2015). The leadership approach that was employed by Carlos Debrito in this case is that of a mix of team leadership and participative style leadership. Debrito encouraged team-building practices such as fireside chats where demands of a particular group or complaints about the other group were discussed. Debrito made sure that these meetings were conducted in a peaceful manner and were fruitful. He would crack a joke to ease the situation when the tension reached a peak. He also adopted the partici pative style of leadership (Wilson Gilligan, 2012). He did not subject himself as a leader but set examples to bring about conciliation by doing things himself. When it was decided that the warring groups would engage in weekly hockey matches to ease off the tension, Debrito became the goalie for one side. So, we can clearly see his team-building and participative style of leadership. Agreement with Algoma Howards view that the Colorado Project needed a Carlos Debrito There is but no other opinion other than agreement with Algoma Howards view in this context. The team-based productivity project in Alberta was a success owing to the experience and innovativeness of Carlos Debrito (Meffert, 2013). Howard met no such personality in Colorado who could tell her about the problems in that subsidiary and it was obvious that the ideas that made Alberta a success could not be used as predefined rules in the case of Colorado (Philip, 2016). Morale did not boost up among the employees by implementing the methods that were used in Alberta because there was no person like Carlos Debrito who the people trusted and respected. There was no participation of the Colorado employees in the events that were organized by Howard and team as there was no person like Debrito to ensure participation of the workers in these events. The gap between the Colorado employees and Howards team could never be bridged (Wilson Gilligan, 2012). It can be clearly observed from the case study how team-building projects can help in improvement of work culture of an organization and improve productivity and profitability. However, not all problems are same and an unique approach has to be adopted for each of them to ensure that a healthy and nurturing work culture is maintained. References Chan, H.K., He, H. and Wang, W.Y., 2012. Green marketing and its impact on supply chain management in industrial markets.Industrial Marketing Management,41(4), pp.557-562. Foxall, G., 2014.Strategic Marketing Management (RLE Marketing)(Vol. 3). Routledge. Hollensen, S., 2015.Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Hutt, M. and Speh, T., 2012.Business marketing management: B2B. Cengage Learning. Meffert, H., 2013.Marketing-Management: AnalyseStrategieImplementierung. Springer-Verlag. Philip, K., 2016. Marketing Management-Millennium Edition. Sheth, J.N. and Sisodia, R.S., 2015.Does marketing need reform?: Fresh perspectives on the future. Routledge. Wilson, R.M. and Gilligan, C., 2012.Strategic marketing management. Routledge.